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Late Antiquity in the Mediterranean

A Guide to Online Resources 

Section Editor: Steven Muhlberger, Associate Professor of History, Nipissing University. Prof. Muhlberger can be reached at: stevem{at}nipissingu.ca. He is interested in proposals for articles, and in resources that can be linked to this section.

Late Antiquity?

Late Antiquity -- A.D. 284-632, the period between the Emperor Diocletian and the Prophet Muhammed -- was a period when the Mediterranean world changed dramatically. It saw the triumph of Christianity over paganism, the fragmentation of the Roman Empire, the rise of new polities, and the emergence of Islam. Many of the ideas and institutions important to the Middle Ages were formed in this period.

  Those of us who study Late Antiquity, as professionals or as amateurs, find it one of the most exciting periods of all history. This section of ORB hopes to convey some of that excitement, and to make available both original sources from Late Antiquity and some of the best modern scholarship about the era. 

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Last updated September 23, 2003

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