Deeds of Arms

A Collection of Accounts
of Formal Deeds of Arms of the Fourteenth Century

edited by Steven Muhlberger

Excerpt from The Anonimalle Chronicle 1333 to 1381, ed. V.H. Galbraith (Manchester, 1927), p. 22.

Translation by Steven Muhlberger, July 13, 2001.   Translation copyright 2001.

Deeds of Arms Index -- Historical Materials on Knighthood and Chivalry -- KCT Library


En quel temps un chyvaler del host de Fraunce se moustra del altre parte del eawe enpriaunt a les Engleis qe ascun chyvaler lui voildroit deliverer de trois curs de guerre pur lamour de sa amye.   Et de ceo un chyvaler del north sire Thomas Covyle nomee, entendaunt hastyment se addressa od soun hernois devers lui et mounta soun chyvalle et se myst en leawe a graunt perille de sa vie.  Mes, loez en soit Dieu, bien se passa.  Et si jousta deux cours de guerre bien et apertement ovesqe lui, veauntz ambesdeux lostes empriaunt al dit chyvaler de Fraunce de parourner le tierce cours saunz escu ou de prendre soun escu quar lescu du chyvaler de Fraunce fuist debrise.  Mes cle profre outrement refusa pur graunt perille que purroit avenir al un ou al alter et puis se entrefierent destre amys perpetuelment.


At that time a knight of the French army appeared on the other side of the river, challenging the English whether any knight wished to deliver him of three courses of war for the love of his lady.   And a knight of the north named Sir Thomas Covyle, hearing of this, quickly took himself straight to his harness which he had with him and mounted his horse and went to that place at great risk to his life.   But, praise be to God, it went well.  And so he jousted two courses of war well and skillfully with him, in the presence of both armies offeringto the French knight to complete the third course without a shield or to take his shield because the shield of the French knight was broken.   But this offer he absolutely refused because of the great risk which might come to one or the other, and then they swore to be eternal friends.