Bibliography of Italian Land Use and Settlement in Late Antiquity and the Early Middle Ages
Compiled by Lors Lordahl, University of Oslo
Posted January 13, 2001
Online Bibliographies of Late Antiquity
Italy in general
Barker, Graeme. “Dry bones? Economic studies and
historical archaeology in Italy”, in Blake, H McK. - Potter, T. W. &
Whitehouse, D. B. (eds.), Papers in Italian Archaeology I: the Lancaster
Seminar. Recent research in prehistoric, classical and medieval
BAR Supplementary Series 41(i). London 1978. s.35-49. (Barker
Barker, Graeme. “The Italian Landscape in the First
Millennium A.D.: Some Archaeological Approaches”, in Randsborg, Klavs
(ed.), The Birth of Europe. Archaeological and social development in the
first millennium A.D.. Roma 1989. s. 62-73. (Barker
Barker, Graeme. “Landscape archaeology in Italy - Goals
for the 1990s”, in Christie, Neil (ed.), Settlement and Economy in
Italy 1500 BC - AD 1500. Oxford 1995. s. 1-11. (Barker (1995b))
Christie, Neil. “Urban defence in later Roman
Italy”, in Herring, E., Whitehouse, R., & Wilkins, J. (eds.),
Papers of the Fourth Conference of Italian Archaeology 2. London 1991.
s.185-199. (Christie (1991))
Christie, Neil. “Late antique cavemen in Northern and
Central Italy”, in Christie, Neil (ed.), Settlement and Economy in
Italy 1500 BC - AD 1500. Oxford 1995. s.311-316. (Christie
Christie, Neil. “Barren fields? Landscapes and
settlements in late Roman and post-Roman Italy”, in Shipley, Graham &
Salmon, John (eds.), Human landscapes in classical antiquity.. London
1996. s.255-283. (Christie (1996))
Hodges, Richard. “Archaeology and the class struggle in
the first millennium A.D.”, in Randsborg, Klavs (ed.), The Birth of
Europe. Archaeological and social development in the first millennium A.D..
Roma 1989. s.178-187. (Hodges (1989))
Keller, Donald R. & Rupp, David W. (eds.). Archaeological
Survey in the Mediterranean Area. BAR International Series 155. Oxford 1983.
(Keller & Rupp (1983))
Mannoni, Tiziano. “Medieval archaeology in Italy: a
survey”, in Blake, H McK. - Potter, T. W. & Whitehouse, D. B. (eds.),
Papers in Italian Archaeology I: the Lancaster Seminar. Recent research in
prehistoric, classical and medieval archaeology. BAR Supplementary Series
41(ii). London 1978. s303-310. (Mannoni (1978))
Moreland, John. “Restoring the dialectic: settlement
patterns and documents in medieval central Italy”, in Knapp, A. Bernard
(ed.), Archaeology, Annales, and ethnohistory. Cambridge 1992.
s.112-129. (Moreland (1992))
Randsborg, Klavs. “Europe in the first millennium A.D.
Archaeological approaches to long-term changes of social practices”, in
Randsborg, Klavs (ed.), The Birth of Europe. Archaeological and social
development in the first millennium A.D.. Roma 1989. s.10-15. (Randsborg
Reynolds, Paul. Trade in the Western Mediterranean, AD
400-700: The ceramic evidence. BAR International Series 604. Oxford 1995.
(Reynolds (1995))
Brown, A. G. & Ellis, C.. “People, climate and
alluviation: theory, research design and new sedimentological and stratigraphic
data from Etruria”, in Papers of the British School at Rome 63.
London 1995. s.45-73. (Brown & Ellis (1995))
Delano Smith, C.. “Coastal sedimentations, lagoons and
ports in Italy”, in Blake, H McK. - Potter, T. W. & Whitehouse, D. B.
(eds.), Papers in Italian Archaeology I: the Lancaster Seminar. Recent
research in prehistoric, classical and medieval archaeology. BAR
Supplementary Series 41(i). London 1978. s.25-33. (Delano Smith
Delano Smith, Catherine. “Valley changes: some
observations from recent field and archive work in Italy”, ”, in
Barker, Graeme & Hodges, Richard (eds.), Archaeology and
Italian Society.
Prehistoric, Roman and Medieval Studies. BAR International Series 102.
Oxford 1981. s.239-247. (Delano Smith (1981))
Potter, T. W.. “Valleys and settlement: some new
evidence”, in World Archaeology 8:2, London 1976. s.207-219.
(Potter (1976))
Barker, Graeme & Lloyd, John (eds.). Roman Landscapes.
Archaeological survey in the Mediterranean region. Archaeological
of the British School at Rome 2. London 1991. (Barker & Lloyd
Bintliff, John & Snodgrass, Anthony. “Mediterranean
survey and the city”, in Antiquity 62:234. Oxford 1988. s.57-71.
(Bintliff & Snodgrass (1988))
Dyson, Stephen L.. “Archaeological Survey in the
Mediterranean Basin: A Review of Recent Research”, in American
Antiquity 47:1. Washington 1982. s.87-98. (Dyson (1982))
MacDonald, Alison. “ All of Nothing at All?
Criteria for
the analysis of Pottery from Surface Survey”, in Christie, Neil (ed.),
Settlement and Economy in Italy 1500 BC - AD 1500. Oxford 1995. s.25-29.
(MacDonald (1995))
Shipley, Graham. “Ancient history and landscape
histories.”, in Shipley, Graham & Salmon, John (eds.), Human
landscapes in classical antiquity.. London 1996. s.1-15. (Shipley
Misc. regiones
Brogiolo, G. P.. “Brescia: building transformation in a
Lombard City”, in Randsborg, Klavs (ed.), The Birth of Europe.
Archaeological and social development in the first millennium A.D.. Roma
1989. s.156-165. (Brogiolo (1989))
Hudson, Peter J. & Hudson, M. Cristina La Rocca.
“Lombard immigration and its effects on north Italian rural and urban
settlement”, in Malone, Caroline & Stoddart, Simon (eds.), Papers
in Italian Archaeology IV. The Cambridge Conference. BAR International
Series 246. Oxford 1985. s.225-246. (Hudson & Hudson
Mannoni, Tiziano. “General remarks on the changes in
techniques observable in the material culture of the first millennium in
north-west Italy”, in Randsborg, Klavs (ed.), The Birth of Europe.
Archaeological and social development in the first millennium A.D.. Roma
1989. s.152-155. (Mannoni (1989))
Mills, Nigel. “Luni: settlement and landscape in the
Ager Lunensis”, ”, in Barker, Graeme & Hodges, Richard (eds.),
Archaeology and Italian Society. Prehistoric, Roman and Medieval
BAR International Series 102. Oxford 1981. s.261-268. (Mills
Moscatelli, Umberto. “The evolution of rural settlement
in regiones V and VI: from the Roman to the early Medieval period”, in
Christie, Neil (ed.), Settlement and Economy in Italy 1500 BC - AD 1500.
Oxford 1995. s. 303.309. (Moscatelli (1995))
Rowland, R. J. “Survey aerchaeology in Sardinia”,
in Barker, Graeme & Lloyd, John (eds.), Roman Landscapes. Archaeological
survey in the Mediterranean region.. Archaeological Monographs of the
British School at Rome 2. London 1991. s.54-61. (Rowland
Wilson , R. J. A.. “The hinterland of Heraclea Minoa
(Sicily) in classical antiquity”, ”, in Barker, Graeme
& Hodges,
Richard (eds.), Archaeology and Italian Society. Prehistoric, Roman and
Medieval Studies. BAR International Series 102. Oxford 1981. s.249-260.
(Wilson (1981))
Lloyd, John - Christie, Neil & Lock, Gary.
“From the
mountain to the plain: landscape evolution in the Abruzzo. An interim report on
the Sangro valley project (1994-5)”, in Papers of the
British School at
Rome 65. London 1997. s.1-57. (Lloyd, Christie & Lock
Arthur, Paul. “Roman amphorae and the Ager Falernus
under the Empire”, in Papers of the British School at Rome 50.
London 1982. s.22-33. (Arthur (1982))
Arthur, Paul - Wayman, M. & Albarella, U.. “M 179:
an early medeival lowland site at Loc. Arivito, near Mondragone
(Caserata)”, in Archeologia Medievale 16. Firenze 1989. s.583-612.
(Arthur, Wayman & Albarella (1989))
Carrington, R. C.. “Studies in the Campanian Villae
Rusticae”, in Journal of Roman Studies 21. London 1931. s.110-130.
(Carrington (1931))
Hayes, J. W. & Martini, I. P.. Archaeological Survey in
the Lower Liri Valley, Central Italy under the direction of Edith
Mary Wightman.
BAR International Series 595. Oxford 1994. (Hayes & Martini
Rathbone, D. W.. “The development of agriculture in the
Ager Falernus during the Roman Republic: problems of evidence and
interpratation”, in JRS 71. London 1981. s.10-23. (Rathbone
Wightman, Edith Mary. “The lower Liri valley: problems,
trends and peculiarities”, ”, in Barker, Graeme & Hodges,
Richard (eds.), Archaeology and Italian Society. Prehistoric, Roman and
Medieval Studies. BAR International Series 102. Oxford 1981. s.275-287.
(Wightman (1981))
Brown, A. G. & Ellis, C.. “People, climate and
alluviation: theory, research design and new sedimentological and stratigraphic
data from Etruria”, in Papers of the British School at Rome 63.
London 1995. s.45-73. (Brown & Ellis (1995))
Cambi, Franco & Fentress, Elisabeth. “Villas to
Castles: First Millennium A.D. Demography in the Albegna Valley”, in
Randsborg, Klavs (ed.), The Birth of Europe. Archaeological and social
development in the first millennium A.D.. Roma 1989. s. 74-86. (Cambi
& Fentress (1989))
Christie, Neil. “Papal domuscultae: the case of
Santa Cornelia”, in Herring, E., Whitehouse, R., & Wilkins, J.
(eds.), Papers of the Fourth Conference of Italian Archaeology 4. London
1992. s.155-163. (Christie (1992))
Coccia, S. & Mattingly, D. J.. “Settlement history,
environment and human exploitation of an intermontane basin in the central
Apennines. the Rieti-survey 1988-1991, part II. Land-use patterns and
gazetteer”, in Papers of the British School at Rome 63. London
1995. s.105-182. (Coccia & Mattingly (1995))
Dyson, Stephen L.. “Settlement patterns in the Ager
Cosanus: The Wesleyan University Survey1974-1976”, in Journal of Field
Archaeology 5:3. Boston 1978. s.251-268. (Dyson (1978))
Dyson, Stephen L.. “Settlement reconstruction in the
Ages Cosanus and the Albegna Valley: Wesleyan University research,
1974-1979”, ”, in Barker, Graeme & Hodges, Richard (eds.),
Archaeology and Italian Society. Prehistoric, Roman and Medieval
BAR International Series 102. Oxford 1981. s.269-274. (Dyson
Hemphill, P.. “The Cassia-Clodia survey”, in
Papers of the British School at Rome 43. London 1975. s.118-172.
(Hemphill (1975))
Kahane, Anne M.. “Field survey of an area
south and west
of La Storta”, in Papers of the British School at Rome 45. London
1977. s.138-190. (Kahane (1977))
King, Anthony & Potter, T.W.. “Mola di Monte Gelato
in the early Middle Ages: an interim report on the excavations
1986-9”, in
Herring, E., Whitehouse, R., & Wilkins, J. (eds.), Papers of the Fourth
Conference of Italian Archaeology 4. London 1992. s.165-172. (King &
Potter (1992))
Moreland, John. “The Farfa survey: a second interim
report”, inn Archeologia Medievale 14. Firenze 1987. s.409-418.
(Moreland (1987))
Moreland, John & Pluciennik, M.. “Excavations at
Casale San Donato Castel Nuovo di Farfa (RI) 1990”, in Archeologia
Medievale 18. Firenze 1991. s.477-490. (Moreland & Pluciennik
Moreland, John et al.. “Excavations at Casale San
Donato, Castelnuovo di Rarfa (RI), Lazio, 1992”, in Archaeologia
Medievale 20. ??? 1993. s.185-228. (Moreland et al.
Partner, Peter. “Notes on the lands of the Roman church
in the early Middle Ages”, in Papers of the British School at Rome
34. London 1966. s.68-78. (Partner (1966))
Potter, T. W.. “Valleys and settlement: some new
evidence”, in World Archaeology 8:2, London 1976. s.207-219.
(Potter (1976))
Potter, T. W.. “Population hiatus and continuity: the
case of the South Etruria survey”, in Blake, H McK. - Potter, T. W. &
Whitehouse, D. B. (eds.), Papers in Italian Archaeology I: the Lancaster
Seminar. Recent research in prehistoric, classical and medieval
BAR Supplementary Series 41(i). London 1978. s.99-116. (Potter
Potter, T. W.. The Changing Landscape of South
New York 1979. (Potter (1979))
Potter, T.W.. “Power, politics and territory
in southern
Etruria”, in Herring, E., Whitehouse, R., & Wilkins, J. (eds.),
Papers of the Fourth Conference of Italian Archaeology 2. London 1991.
s.173-184. (Potter (1991b))
Reynolds, J. M.. “Inscriptions from South
Etruria”, in Papers of the British School at Rome 34. London 1966.
s.56-67. (Reynolds (1966))
Ward-Perkins, J. B.. “Notes on Southern Etruria and the
Ager Veientanus”, in Papers of the British School at Rome 23.
London 1955. s.44-72. (Ward-Perkins (1955))
Ward-Perkins, J. B.. “Etruscan towns, Roman roads and
medieval villages: The historical geography of Southern Etruria”, in
The Geographical Journal 128. London 1962. s.389-405. (Ward-Perkins
Ward-Perkins, J. B.. “Central authority and patterns of
rural settlement”, in Ucko, Peter J. - Tringham, Ruth & Dimbleby, G.
W. (eds.), Man, settlement and urbanism. London 1972. s.867-882.
(Ward-Perkins (1972))
Whitehouse, David. “Raiders and invaders: the Roman
Campagna in the first millennium A.D.”, in Malone, Caroline &
Stoddart, Simon (eds.), Papers in Italian Archaeology IV. The Cambridge
Conference. BAR International Series 246. Oxford 1985. s.207-213.
(Whitehouse (1985))
Wickham , Chris. “Historical and topographical notes on
early medieval South Etruria, part 1”, in Papers of the British School
at Rome 46. London 1978. s.132-183. (Wickham (1978a))
Wickham, Chris. “Historical aspects of medieval South
Etruria”, in Blake, H McK. - Potter, T. W. & Whitehouse, D.
B. (eds.),
Papers in Italian Archaeology I: the Lancaster Seminar. Recent research in
prehistoric, classical and medieval archaeology. BAR Supplementary Series
41(ii). London 1978. s.373-390. (Wickham (1978b))
Wickham , Chris. “Historical and topographical notes on
early medieval South Etruria, part 2”, in Papers of the British School
at Rome 47. London 1979. s.66-95. (Wickham (1979))
Arthur, Paul. “Some observations on the economy of
Bruttium under the later Roman empire”, in Journal of Roman
Archaeology 2. Ann Arbor 1989. s.133-142. (Arthur (1989))
Carter, J. C. & D’Annibale, Cecare.
and Croton”, in Macready, Sarah & Thompson, F. H. (eds.),
Archaeological Field Survey in Britain and Abroad. London 1985.
s.146-157. (Carter (1985))
Dyson, Stephen L.. “The villas of Buccino and the
consumer model of Roman rural development”, in Malone, Caroline &
Stoddart, Simon (eds.), Papers in Italian Archaeology IV. The Cambridge
Conference. BAR International Series 246. Oxford 1985. s.67-84. (Dyson
Freed, Joann. “San Giovanni di Ruoti: cultural
discontinuity between the early and late Roman empire in southern Italy”,
in Malone, Caroline & Stoddart, Simon (eds.), Papers in Italian
Archaeology IV. The Cambridge Conference. BAR International Series 246.
Oxford 1985. s. 179-193. (Freed (1985))
Roberto, Claude - Plambeck, James A. & Small,
Alastair M..
“The Chronology of the Sites of the Roman Period around San Giovanni:
Methods of Analysis and Conclusions”, in Macready, Sarah & Thompson,
F. H. (eds.), Archaeological Field Survey in Britain and Abroad. London
1985. s.136-145. (Roberto et al. (1985))
Rossiter, Jeremy. “Lamps from the Late Roman middens at
San Giovanni di Ruoti”, in Archeologia Medievale 15. Firenze 1988.
s.553-560. (Rossiter (1988))
Small, Alastair M.. “San Giovanni di Ruoti: some
problems in the interpretation of the structures”, in Painter Kenneth
(ed.), Roman Villas in Italy. Recent excavations and research. London
1980. s91-109. (Small (1980))
Small, Alastair M.. “The environment of San Giovanni in
the Roman period”, in Barker, Graeme & Hodges, Richard (eds.),
Archaeology and Italian Society. Prehistoric, Roman and Medieval
BAR International Series 102. Oxford 1981. s.203-212. (Small
Small, Alastair M.. “The early villa at San
Giovanni”, in Malone, Caroline & Stoddart, Simon (eds.), Papers in
Italian Archaeology IV. The Cambridge Conference. BAR International Series
246. Oxford 1985. s.165-177. (Small (1985))
Barker, Graeme. A Mediterranean valley. Landscape
archaeology and Annales history in the Biferno Valley. London 1995.
(Barker (1995a))
Barker, Graeme, Lloyd, John & Webley, Derrick, "A
classical landscape in Molise”, in Papers of the British School at
Rome 46, London 1978, s.35-51. (Barker, Lloyd & Webley
Cann, S. J. & Lloyd, J. A.. “Late Roman and early
medeival pottery from the Molise”, in Archeologia Medievale 11.
Firenze 1984. s.425-436. (Cann & Lloyd (1984))
Coutts, Catherine & Hodges, Richard. “New
excavations at the crypt church at San Vincenzo al Volturno in 1994”, in
Papers of the British School at Rome 64. London 1996. s.283-285.
(Coutts & Hodges (1996))
Hayes, Peter. “The San Vincenzo Survey, Molise”,
in Macready, Sarah & Thompson, F. H. (eds.), Archaeological Field Survey
in Britain and Abroad. London 1985. s.129-135. (Hayes
Hodges, Richard. Light in the Dark Ages. The rise and fall
of San Vincenzo al Volturno. London 1997. (Hodges (1997))
Hodges, Richard - Gibson, Sheila & Mitchell, John.
“The making of a monastic city. The architecture of San Vincenzo al
Volturno in the ninth century”, in Papers of the British School at
Rome 65. London 1997. s.233-286. (Hodges, Gibson & Mitchell
Hodges, Richard - Moreland, John & Patterson, Helen.
“San Vincenzo al Volturno: the kingdom of Benevento, and the
Carolingians” in Malone, Caroline & Stoddart, Simon (eds.), Papers
in Italian Archaeology IV. The Cambridge Conference. BAR International
Series 246. Oxford 1985. s.261-285. (Hodges, Moreland & Patterson
Hodges, Richard & Rovelli, Alessia. “San
Vincenzo al
Volturno in the sixth century”, in Papers of the British School at
Rome 66. London 1998. s.245-246. (Hodges & Rovelli
Hodges, Richard & Wickham, Chris. “The evolution of
hilltop villages in the Biferno valley, Molise”, ”, in Barker,
Graeme & Hodges, Richard (eds.), Archaeology and Italian Society.
Prehistoric, Roman and Medieval Studies. BAR International Series 102.
Oxford 1981. s.305-312. (Hodges & Wickham (1981))
Hodges, Richard et al.. “Excavations at Vacchereccia
(Rocchetta Nuova): A later Roman and early medieval settlement in the Volturno
Valley, Molise”, in Papers of the British School at Rome
52. London
1984. s.148-194. (Hodges et al. (1984))
Lloyd, John & Barker, Graeme. “Rural settlement in
Roman Molise: problems of archaeological survey”, ”, in Barker,
Graeme & Hodges, Richard (eds.), Archaeology and Italian Society.
Prehistoric, Roman and Medieval Studies. BAR International Series 102.
Oxford 1981. s.289-304. (Lloyd & Barker (1981))
Christie, Neil. “Forum ware, the Duchy of Roma, and the
incastellamento: problems in interpretation”, in Archeologia
Medievale 14. Firenze 1987. s.451-466. (Christie (1987))
Coates-Stephens, Roger. “Housing in early Medieval
Rome”, in Papers of the British School at Rome 64. London 1996.
s.239-259. (Coates-Stephens (1996))
Huyzendveld, Antonia Arnoldus et al.. “A systematic
survey project in the Roman coastal area”, in Herring, E.,
Whitehouse, R.,
& Wilkins, J. (eds.), Papers of the Fourth Conference of Italian
Archaeology 3. London 1992. s.91-109. (Huyzendveld et al.
Manacorda, Daniele & Zanini, Enrico. “The first
millennium A.D. in Rome: from the Porticus Minucia to the via delle Botteghe
Oscure”, in Randsborg, Klavs (ed.), The Birth of Europe.
and social development in the first millennium A.D.. Roma 1989. s.25-32.
(Manacorda & Zanini (1989))
Whitehouse, David. “The Schola Praeconum and the food
supply of Rome in the fifth century A.D.”, in Barker, Graeme
& Hodges,
Richard (eds.), Archaeology and Italian Society. Prehistoric, Roman and
Medieval Studies. BAR International Series 102. Oxford 1981. s.191-195.
(Whitehouse (1981))
Whitehouse, D. et al.. “The Schola Praeconum I: The
coins, pottery, lamps and fauna”, in Papers of the British School at
Rome 50. London 1982. s.53-101. (Whitehouse et al. (1982))
Whitehouse, D. et al.. “The Schola Praeconum II”,
in Papers of the British School at Rome 53. London 1985. s.163-210.
(Whitehouse et al. (1985))
Tiber Valley
Patterson, Helen & Millet, Martin. “The
Tiber Valley
project”, in Papers of the British School at Rome 66. London 1998.
s.1-20. (Patterson & Millett (1998))
Patterson, Helen et al.. “The Tiber Valley
Project”, in Antiquity 74-284. Oxford 2000. s.395-403.
(Patterson et al. (2000))
Brunt, P. A.. Italian manpower 225 B.C - A.D. 14.
Oxford 1971. (Brunt (1971))
Hermannsen, G.. “The population of Rome: the
regionaries”, in Historia 27:1. Stuttgart 1978. s.129-168.
(Hermannsen (1978))
Maier, F. G.. “Römische
und inschriftenstatistik”, in Historia 2. Stuttgart 1953/4.
s.318-351. (Maier (1953))
Potter, T. W.. “Population hiatus and continuity: the
case of the South Etruria survey”, in Blake, H McK. - Potter, T. W. &
Whitehouse, D. B. (eds.), Papers in Italian Archaeology I: the Lancaster
Seminar. Recent research in prehistoric, classical and medieval
BAR Supplementary Series 41(i). London 1978. s.99-116. (Potter
Purcell, Nicholas, "The populace of Rome in late antiquity:
problems of classification and historical description" in Harris, W.V. (ed.),
The transformations of Urbs Roma in late antiquity, Portsmouth 1999, s.
135-161. (Purcell (1999))
Delano Smith, Catherine. Western Mediterranean Europe. A
Historical Geography of Italy, Spain and Southern France since the
Neolithic. London 1979. (Delano Smith (1979))
Bintliff, John & Hamerow, Helena.
“Introduction”, in Bintliff, John & Hamerow, Helena (eds.),
Europe Between Late Antiquity and the Middle Ages. Recent archaeological and
historical research in Western and Southern Europe. Oxford 1995. s.1-7.
(Bintliff & Hamerow (1995))
Brogiolo, G. P.. “Towns, forts and the countryside:
archaeological models for Northern Italy in the early Lombard period (AD
568-650)”, in Brogiolo, G.P., Gauthier, N. & Christie, N (eds.),
Towns and their territories between late Antiquity and the early Middle
ages, Leiden 2000. s.299-323. (Brogiolo (2000))
Cameron, Averil. The Later Roman Empire AD 284-430.
Cambridge, Mass. 1993. (Cameron (1993a))
Cameron, Averil. The Mediterranean world in late antiquity
AD 395-600. London 1993. (Cameron (1993b))
Christie, Neil. “Italy and the Roman to Medieval
transition”, in Bintliff, John & Hamerow, Helena (eds.), Europe
Between Late Antiquity and the Middle Ages. Recent archaeological and
research in Western and Southern Europe. Oxford 1995. s.99-110.
Christie, Neil. “Barren fields? Landscapes and
settlements in late Roman and post-Roman Italy”, in Shipley, Graham &
Salmon, John (eds.), Human landscapes in classical antiquity.. London
1996. s.255-283. (Christie (1996)
Christie, Neil. “Towns, land and power: German-Roman
survival and interactions in fifth- and sixth century Pannonia”, in
Brogiolo, G.P., Gauthier, N. & Christie, N (eds.), Towns and their
territories between late Antiquity and the early Middle ages, Leiden 2000.
s.275-297. (Christie (2000a))
Delogu, Paolo. Transformation of the Roman world: reflections
on current research”, in Chrysos, Evangelos & Wood, Ian (eds.),
East and West: modes of communication. Proceedings of the first plenary
conference at Merida. Leiden 1999. s.243-257. (Delogu
Hodges, Richard & Whitehouse, David. Mohammed,
Charlemagne & the Origins of Europe. Ithaca 1996. (Hodges &
Whitehouse (1996))
Horden, Peregrine & Purcell, Nicholas. The
Corrupting Sea.
A study of Mediterranean history. Oxford 2000. (Horden & Purcell
Jones, A. H. M.. “The Later Roman Empire and the
Beginnings of Medieval Society”, in Cantor, Norman (ed.), Perspectives on
the European past. Conversations with historians. London 1971. s.121-136.
(Jones (1971))
Jones, A. H. M.. The Later Roman Empire 284 - 602. A
social, economic, and administrative survey. Baltimore 1986. (Jones
Liebeschutz, J. H. W. G.. “A.H.M. Jones and
the Later
Roman Empire”, in The Later Roman Empire Today. Papers given in
honour of Professor John Mann 23 May 1992. London 1993. s.1-8.
(Liebeschutz 1993))
Llewellyn, Peter. Rome in the Dark ages. London 1971.
(Llewellyn (1971))
Moreland, John. “Wilderness, wasteland,
depopulation and
the end of the Roman empire?”, in The Accordia Research Papers 4.
London 1994. s.89-110. (Moreland (1993a))
Noble, Thomas F. X.. “The transformation of the Roman
World: reflections on five years work”, in Chrysos, Evangelos & Wood,
Ian (eds.), East and West: modes of communication. Proceedings of the first
plenary conference at Merida. Leiden 1999. s.259-277. (Noble
Potter, T. W.. Roman Italy. Berkeley 1987. (Potter
Wickham, Chris. Early medieval Italy. Central power and
local society 400-1000. London 1981. (Wickham (1981))
Brown, T. S.. “Settlement and military policy in
Byzantine Italy”, in Blake, H McK. - Potter, T. W. &
Whitehouse, D. B.
(eds.), Papers in Italian Archaeology I: the Lancaster Seminar. Recent
research in prehistoric, classical and medieval archaeology. BAR
Supplementary Series 41(ii). London 1978. s.323-338. (Brown
Barnish, S. J. B.. “Transformation and survival in the
western senatorial aristocracy, c. A.D. 400-700”, in Papers of the
British School at Rome 56. London 1988. s.120-155. (Barnish
Marazzi, Federico. “The destinies of the late antique
italies: politico-economic developments if the sixth century”, in Hodges,
Richard & Bowden, William (eds.), The sixth century. Production,
Distribution and Demand. Leiden 1998. s.119-159. (Marazzi
Wickham, Chris. “The other transition: from the ancient
world to feudalism”, in Past and Present 103. Oxford
1984. s. 3-36.
(Wickham (1984))
Wickham, Chris. “Italy and the early Middle
in Randsborg, Klavs (ed.), The Birth of Europe. Archaeological and social
development in the first millennium A.D.. Roma 1989. s.140-151. (Wickham
Barnish, S. J. B.. “The transformation of classical
cities and the Pirenne debate”, in Journal of Roman Archaeology 2.
Ann Arbor 1989. s.385-400. (Barnish (1987a))
Christie, Neil. “Construction and deconstruction:
reconstructing the late-Roman townscape”, in Slater, T. R.
(ed.), Towns in
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