A Bibliography of the Late Antique Economy in the Eastern Roman Empire

Compiled by Steve Balestra and members of the LT-ANTIQ list

April, 2001

Online Bibliographies of Late Antiquity


Brenot, Claude.; Loriot, X.; Nony, D., Aspects d'histoire économique et monétaire de Marc Aurèle à Constantin: 161-337 après J.-C , Paris, 1999.

Burns, T.S., Eadie, J.W. (eds.), Urban Centers and Rural Contexts in Late Antiquity, Lansing: Michigan State University Press, 2001

Chastagnol, André, L'Evolution politique, sociale et économique du monde romain de Dioclétien à Julien :
la mise en place du régime du Bas-Empire (284-363), Paris, 1994.

Cracco Ruggini, Le associazioni professionali nel mondo romano-bizantino , Spoleto, 1971.

Delmaire, R., Cites et fiscalites au Bas-Empire. A propos du role des curiales dans la levee des impots,
in Lepelley, Cl. (ed.), La fin de la cite antique et le debut de la cite medievale de la fin du IIIe siecle a l'avenement de Charlemagne, (Bari: Edipuglia, 1996), pp. 58-70.

Duncan-Jones, R. The Economy of the Roman Empire: quantitative studies, Rev. ed., Cambridge, 1982.

Duncan-Jones, R., Structure and Scale in the Roman Economy, Cambridge, 1990.

Dupont, C., La réglementation économique dans les constitutions de Constantin, Lille, 1963.

Ermatinger, J., The economic reforms of Diocletian, 1996.

Giardina, A. (ed.), "Società romana e impero tardo antico. Istituzioni, ceti, economie", Bari, 1986.

González Blanco, Economía y sociedad en el Bajo Imperio según San Juan Crisóstomo, Madrid, 1980.

Greene. K., The Archaeology of the Roman Empire, London, 1987.

Hodges, R., Bowden, W., The sixth century: production, distribution, and demand, Boston, 1998.

Johnson, A.C., West, L.C., Byzantine Egypt: economic studies, Princeton, 1949.

Jones, A.H.M., The Later Roman Empire, 284-602, 2 v., Norman, 1964.

Jones, A.H.M., Cities of the Eastern Roman Provinces, 2nd ed., Oxford, 1971.

Jones, A.H.M., The Roman Economy. Studies in ancient economic and administrative history, ed. P Brunt, Oxford, 1974.

 Kordwsh, M., Istorikogewgrafia Protobuzantinwn kai Palaioxristianikwn Crwnw, Athens, 1996.

Mango, C., "Le developpement de Constantinople (IVe-VIIe siecle), Paris, 1985, Travaux et Memoires, Monographies 2.

Mango, C., Dragon, G., Constantinople and its Hinterland..

Mentzou, K., Sumbolai eiV thn meleth tou oikonomikou kai koinwnikou biou thV prwimou bhzantinhs periodou, AqhnaiV , 1975.
Patlagean, E., Pauvreté economique et pauvreté sociale à Byzance 4e-7e siecle, 1977.

Price, B.B. (ed.), Ancient Economic Thought, Vol. 1,  London, 1997.

Skiotis, D., An econometric model of the Byzantine Empire, Dissertation: Thesis (Ph.D.)--University of Pennsylvania, 1973.

Agriculture and Food Supply  
Bagnall, R.S., "Agricultural productivity and taxation in late Roman Egypt, TAPhA 115, 289-308, 1985.

Bagnall, R.S., "Landholding in Late Roman Egypt: The Distribution of Wealth, JRS 82, 128-149, 1992.

Bagnall, R.S., "Military Officers as Landowners in Fourth Century Egypt, Chiron 22, 47-54, 1992.

Banaji, Jairus, "Agrarian change in late antiquity : gold, labour, and aristocratic dominance", New York : Oxford University Press, 2002 (not yet published).

Carrié, J-M, "Les distributions alimentaires dans le cités de l’Empire romain tardif", Melanges d'Archeologie et d'Histoire de l'Ecole Francaise de Rome (MEFRA), 87, 1975, 995-1101.

Hollerich, M.J., "The Alexandrian Bishops and the Grain Trade: Ecclesiastical Commerce in Late Roman Egypt", JESHO 25, 189-207, 1982.

Kaplan, M., Les hommes et la terre du VIe au Xie siecle, Paris, 1992.

Kaplan, M., Les propriétés de la couronne et de l’eglise dans l’Empire byzantin, Ve-VIe siecles, 1976.

Lemerle, P., "Histoire Agraire", Revue Historique, 219, 220 pp. 43-70.

Teall, J., "The Byzantine agricultural tradition", Dumbarton Oaks Papers, 25, 1971, 36-59.

Teall, J., "The grain supply of the Byzantine Empire 330-1025", Dumbarton Oaks Papers, 13, 1959, 88-139.

White, K.D., Roman Farming, (1970).

Land taxation and labor  
Ganshof, F.L., "Le statut personnel du colon au Bas-Empire", L’Antiquité Classique, 14, 1945, pp. 261-277.

Goffart, W., Caput and colonate : towards a history of late Roman taxation, 1974.

Déléage, A., La capitation du Bas-Empire, Nancy, 1945.

Segré, A., "The Byzantine Colonate", Traditio, 5, 1943, 103-133.

Setton, K.M., "On the importance of land tenure and agrarian taxation in the Byzantine Empire", American Journal of Philology, 74, 1953, 225-259.

Transport and Trade
Buford, A., "Heavy Transport in Classical Antiquity", Economic History Review 13, 1960, pp. 1-18.
Charlesworth, M., Trade Routes and the Commerce of the Roman Empire, Cambridge University Press, 1926.

Chevallier, R., Roman Roads, London, 1976. (English translation from the French)

Hopkins, K., "The Transport of Staples", Eighth International Economic History Congress Budapest 1982, Technical Change, Employment and Investment, Budapest, 1982, pp. 81-87.

Lewis, A.R., Naval Power and Trade in the Mediterranean A.D. 500-1100, 1951.

Miller, J.I., The Spice Trade of the Roman Empire, 29 BC to AD 641, Clarendon Press, Oxford, 1969.

Rougé, J., "Ports et escales dans l’Empire tardif", La Navigazione Mediterranea nell’Alto Medioevo, t. I, Spoleto, 1978.

Rougé, J., "La navigation hivernale sous l’empire romain", Revue des études anciennes, 54, 1952, 316-325.

Rougé, J., Recherches sur l’organisation du commerce maritime en Mediterranée sous l’empire romain, 1966.

Schwartz, J., "Le Commerce d’Alexandrie au d´but de 4ème siecle", Das römisch-byzantinische Agypten, 41-46, 1983.

Young, Gary K., Rome's eastern trade: international commerce and imperial policy, 31 BC-AD 305, Routledge, 2001.

Coinage and Monetary Phenomena  
Bagnall, R.S., "Currency and Inflation in Fourth Century Egypt", BASP Supplement 5, Atlanta, 1985.

Bagnall, R.S., "Fourth Century Prices: New Evidence and Further Thoughts", ZPE 76, 37-43, 1989.

Bolin, S., State and Currency in the Roman Empire to 300 AD, Almquist and Wicksell, Stockholm, 1958.

Burnett, A.M., Coinage in the Roman World, London, 1987.

Callu, J.P., La politique monétaire des Empereurs romains de 238-311, Rome, 1969.

Carrié, J-M, L’inflazione nel quarto secolo d.C., Rome, 1993.

Depeyrot, G., La Bas-Empire romain: économie et numismatique, Paris, 1987.

Duncan-Jones, "Mobility and immobility of coin in the Roman Empire", AIIN 36, 121-137, 1989.

Duncan-Jones, R., "Pay and numbers in Diocletian’s army", Chiron 8, 541-560, 1978.

Duncan-Jones, R., Money and Government in the Roman Empire, Cambridge, 1994.

Ermatinger, J. "The circulation pattern of Diocletian’s nummo", AJN 2.2, 107-117, 1990.

Fulford, M., "Coin circulation and mint activity in the later Roman Empire: some economic implications", AJ 135, 67-114, 1978.

Harl, K.W., Coinage in the Roman Economy, 300 BC – 700 AD, Baltimore, 1996.

Hendy, M.F., Studies in the Byzantium Monetary Economy c. 300-1450, Cambridge, 1985.

Hendy, M.F., "Mint and Fiscal Administration under Diocletian, His Colleagues and His Successors, A.D. 305-324, Journal of Roman Studies 62, pgs 75-82, 1972.

Howgego, C.J., "The supply and use of money in the Roman world, 200 BC – AD 300", JRS 82, 1-31, 1992.

King, C. E., The coinage of Constantine the Great :an analysis of the monetary system and the structure and operation of the mints in relation to imperial policy and the economy of the Empire, 1976.

King, C.E., The Imperial Revenue, Expenditure, and Monetary Policy in the Fourth Century AD, BAR International Series 76, Oxford, 1980.

Sperber, D., "The Inflation in the Fourth Century Palestine", Archiv Orientální 34, 54-66, 1966.

West, L.C., Johnson. A.C., Currency in Roman and Byzantine Egypt, Princeton University Press, Princeton, 1944.

Note:  Many "stucturalist" studies have been written pertaining to different aspects of preindustrial economies and/or different periods which can also be applied to some degree to the late antique economy.