This list includes both works which directly discuss the plague and its effects and others which discuss it in passing or from a specialized perspective.
Allen, P. `The "Justinianic" Plague', Byzantion 49 (1979): 5-20.
Biraben, Jean-Noel & Jacques Le Goff. "La Peste dans le haut moyen
age", Annales ESC 24:6 (1969): 1484-1510
translated as: Biraben, Jean-Noel & Jacques Le Goff, "The Plague
in the Early Middle Ages," in Robert Forster & Orest Ranum, eds., Biology
and Man in History, (Baltimore: Johns Hopkins UP, 1975).
Bratton, Timothy L., "The Identity of the Plague of Justinian," in Transactions & Studies of the College of Physicians of Philadelphia, 3 (1981): 113-124, 174-180.
Conrad, L.I. `The Plague in Bilad al-Sham in Pre-Islamic Times', Proceedings of the Symposium on Bilad al-Sham II (M.`Adman al-Bakhit, M. Asfour Amman (ed)), (Amman 1986), pp. 143-163.
Curta, Florin. "Invasion or inflation? Sixth- to seventh-century Byzantine coin hoards in Eastern and Southeastern Europe," Annali dell'Istituto Italiano di Numismatica 43 (1996): 65-224.
Durliat, J. "La peste du VIe siècle. Pour un nouvel examen des sources byzantines," Hommes et richesses dans l'Empire byzantin. IVe - VIIe siècle (Réalités byzantines), Paris 1989 (107-125). N.B. This article and the book containing it are considered particularly important.
Leven, Karl-Heinz. Die Geschichte der Infektionskrankheiten. Von der Antike bis ins 20. Jahrhundert, (Landsberg/Lech: ecomed, 1997).
Leven, Karl-Heinz. " Die 'Justinianische' Pest. In: W.F. Kümmel (Hg.): Jahrbuch des Instituts für Geschichte der Medizin der Robert Bosch Stiftung, Bd. 6 (1987), (Stuttgart: Hippokrates 1989), pp. 137-161.
Leven, Karl-Heinz. Pest in der byzantinischen Literatur (6. bis 15. Jahrhundert) - Ursprünge und Wirkungen eines Motivs. Habilitationsschrift Freiburg 1993 (masch.-schr., iv, 340 S.; im Druck in der Reihe Sudhoffs Archiv, Beihefte, hg. v. Gundolf Keil, Wiesbaden: Steiner).
McNeill, William H. Plagues and Peoples, (Garden City, NY.: Anchor Press, 1976)
Patlagean, E. Pauvreté économique et pauvreté sociale a Byzance, 4e-7e siècles, (Civilisations et sociétés ; 48), Paris, La Haye (1977).
Pottier, Henri. Analyse d'un tresor de monnaies en bronze enfoui au VI-e siècle en Syrie byzantine (Brussels, 1983).
Russell, Josiah C. "That Earlier Plague", Demography 5:1 (1968), pp. 174-184
Smith, Christine A. "Plague in the Ancient World: A Study from Thucydides to Justinian," The Student Historical Journal 1996-1997 <>
Whittow, M. The Making of Orthodox Byzantium 600-1025 (Hampshire
/ London 1996), esp. pp. 66-68.