Alexiou, Margaret. The ritual lament in Greek tradition (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1974).
Becker, Hansjakob and Hermann Uhlein, eds. Liturgie im Angesicht
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Davies, J. Death, burial and rebirth in the religions of Antiquity. Religion in the first christian centuries (Andover: Routledge, 1999).
Gregg, R. Consolation philosophy: Greek and Christian Paideia in Basil and the two Gregories. Patristic monograph series 3 (Cambridge: Philadelphia Patristic Foundation, 1975).
Holst-Warhaft, Gail. Dangerous voices : women's laments and Greek literature ( London: Routledge, 1992).
Hopkins, Keith Death and Renewal (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1983). See esp. pp. 117-26.
Rush, A.C. Death and Burial in Christian Antiquity. Catholic
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Studies in Christian Antiquity, 1 (Washington, 1941).
Toynbee, J.M.C. Death and Burial in the Roman World (Ithaca:
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