Last updated: 13.2.2000
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The work on an archaeological map of Bulgaria started during this period.
Two Late Antique castles near the village of Sadovec, Pleven region were investigated in 1934-37 by Bulgarian-German-Austrian team, and Bulgarian-Italian team excavated the Roman colony Oescus in 1941-43. The period was characterized by a relative independence of the various archaeological units (museums, the Archaeological Institu te, the Chair of Archaeology, societies) from the central authority and by good public relations resulting from the activity of the leading Roman archaeologists on the popularization of their work.
At last the bibliography of the Bulgarian archaeology was published in 1957 and expanded in 1974.
An automated Archaeological map of Bulgaria system was introduced in
the late 80-s. M. Domaradzki, Polish trained research fellow at the Archaeological
Institute with Museum had the leading role in the successful accomplishment
of this almost a hundred years old project. The project was also facilitated
by the restitution of the agricultural lands to the former
private owners.
The organization changes continued. National Historical Museum with
rich collection of ancient finds was established, and constantly accumulated
materials from excavations and private collections. From the Section for
Antique Archaeology at the Archaeological Institute with Museum a Section
for Thracian Archaeology was separated, covering the period from the late
4th millennium to the 1st millennium BC. The archaeologists specialized
in Roman archaeology were educated in Sofia University, while the post
graduate students could choose between Sofia University and the Archaeological
The number of the international archaeological expeditions increased. Since 1958 (with few breaks) Bulgarian-German (the Academy of German Democratic Republic in Berlin) team excavates the Late Antique castle Iatrus. Since 1960 Bulgarian and Polish (from the Universities in Warsaw, Poznan, Wroclaw) archaeologists have investigated the legionary camp and Late Antique town Novae. The University in Bologna, Italy took part in the excavations of the Roman colony Ratiaria, and the University in Nottingham, Great Britain participated in the excavations of Nicopolis ad Istrum.
In 1973-74 the first Bulgarian expedition abroad under the leadership of V. Velkov made excavations in Carthage.
With the exception of the Bulgarian-Italian team in Ratiaria, the rest
of the international teams continue to work. The new partner of the Bulgarian
archaeologists in Iatrus from the German side is Romish-Germanische Kommission
from Frankfurt
am Main. Meanwhile the number of the scientific publications about
Roman monuments from Bulgaria is constantly increasing. Regretfully, most
of them are unfamiliar for the foreign colleagues mainly because the traditional
centralized relations of book exchange and distribution are disturbed,
and the newly established ones need time to develop as well as higher activity
from each of the partners.
Serious changes occurred in the archaeological education. A Department of Archaeology was established at Sofia University providing new possibilities for a more detailed study in archaeology. A New Bulgarian University was established in Sofia upon a decision of the Bulgarian Parliament. The professors of its Department of Archaeology come mainly from the Archaeological Institute. The Chair of Archaeology at Veliko Tarnovo University "Holy Saints Cyril and Methodius" (founded in 1962) has a strong tradition in Mediaeval archaeology training, but in the recent years has given special focus on the Roman archaeology.
The opportunities for studying and specialization abroad have increased and have become available for broader range of people compared to the preceding period. The visa restrictions are a serious obstacle for the international activities of the Bulgarian Antique archaeologist.
The illegal excavations and export of valuable finds from the Roman period made by the so-called treasure hunters have reached its peak in the recent decade.
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