Selected Works on Bishops in the Late Antique West

Compiled by Steve Muhlberger, Nipissing University

from suggestions made by the readers of LT-ANTIQ in December 2000

(Special thanks to Starleen K. Meyer, Ph.D. for part 2)

Originally posted December 27, 2000

Online Bibliographies of Late Antiquity

Readers of  the discussion list LT-ANTIQ asked in late 2000 for readings on two related subjects:   bishops and their authority in the late antique west, and development of episcopal cermonial.   Other members of list kindly suggested the following works.

1. Bishops and their Authority

Bowersock, G.W. "From Emperor to Bishop: The Self-Conscious Transformation of Political Power in the Fourth Century A.D.," Classical Philology 81 (1986): 298-307.

Drinkwater, John and Hugh Elton, eds. Fifth-Century Gaul: a crisis of identity? (Cambridge, New York, Oakleigh 1992).

Gaudemet, J.  L'Eglise dans l'Empire romain (IVe-Ve siecles) (Paris, 1958).

Goffart, Walter. The Narrators of Barbarian History (Princeton, 1988).

Heinzelmann, Martin.  Bischofsherrschaft in Gallien (Munich 1976).

Heinzelmann, Martin. "Gallische Prosopographie," Francia 10 (1982): 531-718.

Klingshirn, W.E.  Caesarius of Arles.  The Making of a Christian Community in Late Antique Gaul (Cambridge, 1994).

Mathisen Ralph W. The Ecclesiastical Aristocracy of Fifth-Century Gaul (U. Wisconsin-Madison 1979).

Mathisen Ralph W. Ecclesiatical Factionalism  and Religious Controversy in Fifth-Century Gaul (Washington, D.C., 1989).

Miller, Maureen C. The Bishop's Palace:  Architecture and Authority in Medieval Italy (Ithaca: Cornell U.P, 2000).

Prinz, Friedrich.  Frühes Mönchstum im Frankenreich (München,Wien 1965).

Riché, Pierre.  Education et culture dans l'Occident barbare, VIe-VIIIe siècles.  3rd. ed. (Paris, 1973).

Rouselle, A.  "Aspects sociaux du recrutement ecclesiastique au IVe siecle," Melanges de l'Ecole francaise de Rome:
Antiquite, 89 (1977), 333-70.

Rousselle, A. Croire et guerir (Paris, 1992).

Scheibelreiter, Georg.  Der Bischof in merowingischer Zeit. Veröffentlichungen des IföG 27 (Wien, Köln, Graz 1983).

Stancliffe, Clare. St.Martin and his Hagiographer (Oxford, 1983).

Stroheker, Karl Friedrich.  Der senatorische Adel im spätantiken Gallien (Tübingen, 1948).

Van Dam, Raymond. Community and Leadership in Late Antique Gaul (Berkeley, 1985).

2.  Episcopal Ceremonial

Braun, Josef. Das christliche Altargeraet in seinem Sein und in seiner Entwicklung (Munich: 1932).

Braun, Josef.  Die liturgische Gewandung im Occident und Orient nach Ursprung und Entwicklung, Verwendung und Symbolik (Freiburg: 1907).

De Blaauw, Sible, Cultus et Decor.  Liturgia e architettura nella Roma tardoantica e medievale.Studi e Testi 355, 356. Citta' del Vaticano: Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana, 1994

Dykmans, Marc, ed.  L'Oeuvre de Patrizi Piccolomini ou le ceremonial papal de la premiere renaissance.  Studi e Testi, 293 (Citta' del Vaticano: Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana, 1980).

Jones, Cheslyn, et al., eds. The Study of Liturgy. Revised Edition. (NY: Oxford University Press, 1992)

Jungmann, Joseph A. The Mass of the Roman Rite. Its Origins and Development. tr. Rev. Francis A. Brunner (Westminster, Maryland: Christian Classics, Inc., 1992 (1950)).