Bandits Real and Imagined in Greco-Roman Egypt

A Select Bibliography by B.C. McGing

This bibliography was compiled by B.C. McGing of Trinity College, Dublin. It was distributed by him at the conference Shifting Frontiers in Late Antiquity II in Columbia, South Carolina, March 13-16 1997, in connection with a paper entitled "Bandits Real and Imagined in Greco-Roman Egypt."

It is posted here with his kind permission. Any errors that have crept in are those of the editor.

The bibliography comes in two parts. Part I consists of publications on ancient banditry; Part II consists of material on modern bandits, for comparative purposes.

I. Ancient Bandits

Alfödy, G., "Bellum Desertorum," Bonner Jahrbuch 171 (1971) 367-376 (on the bandit Maternus in the 180s A.D.).

Alston, R., Soldier and Society in Roman Egypt (London, 1995).

Baldwin, B. "Crime and Criminals in Graeco-Roman Egypt," Aegyptus 43 (1963) 256-263).

Barbieri, G., "Latrones," in E. de Ruggiero (ed.), Dizionario epigrafico di antichità romana 4.15 (1947) 460-466.

Bartelink, G.J.M., "Les démons comme brigands," Vigiliae Christianae 21 (1967) 12-24.

Bertôt, A., Le brigandage dans l'occident romain sous le haut-empire (Diss. Univ. de Bordeaux, 1953).

Braunert, H., Die Binnenwanderung. Studien zur Sozialgeschichte Ägyptens in der Ptolemäer- und Kaiserzeit (Bonn, 1964).

Briant, P., "Brigandage, dissidence et conquêt en Asie achéménide et hellénistique,"Dialogues d'histoire ancienne 2 (1976) 163-258.

Burian, J., "Latrones. Ein Begriff in römischen literarischen and juristischen Quellen," Eirene 21 (1984) 17-23.

Champlin, E., "The Testament of the Piglet," Phoenix 41 (1987) 174-183.

Cracco Ruggini, L., "Bagaudi e santi innocenti: un' avvenutra fra demonizzazione e martirio," in E. Gabba (ed.), Tria Corda. Scritti in onore di Arnaldo Momigliano (Como, 1983) 121-142.

Drexhage, H.-J., "Einbruch, Diebstahl und Straßenraub in römischen Ägypten unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der Verhältnisse in den ersten beiden Jahrhunderten n. Chr.," in I. Weiler (ed.), Soziale Randgruppen und Außenseiter im Altertum (Graz, 1988) 313-323.

Drinkwater, J.F., "The Bacaudae of Fifth-century Gaul," in J. Drinkwater, H. Elton (eds.), Fifth-century Gaul: a crisis of identity? (Cambridge, 1992) 208-217.

Flam-Zuckermann, L., "À propos d'une inscription de Suisse (CIL XIII, 5015): étude du phénomène de brigandage dans l'empire romain," Latomus 29 (1970) 451-473.

Freyne, S., "Bandits in Galilee: A Contribution to the Study of Social Conditions in First-Century Palestine, " in J. Neusner et al. (eds.), The Social World of Formative Christianity and Judaism. Essays in Tribute to Howard Clark Kee (Philadelphia, 1988) 50-68.

Gagé, J., "Les déchets de l'ordre impérial: irréguliers, aventuriers et troupes de brigands," in Les classes sociales de l'empire romain (Paris, 1964) 143-148. Giardina, A., "Banditi e santi: un aspetto del folklore gallico tra Tarda Antichità e Midioevo," Athenaeum 61 (1983) 374-389.

Günther, R., Das Latrocinium als eine besondere Form des Widerstands der unterdrückten Klassen und Barbaren in römischen Sklavenhalterstaat während des Prinzipats (Leipzig, 1953).

Heinrichs, A., Die Phoinikika des Lollianos (Bonn, 1972).

Hengel, M., The Zealots. Investigations into the Jewish freedom movements in the period from Herod I until 70 A.D. (Engl. trans. Edinburgh, 1989).

Henne, H., "Documents et travaux sur l'anachoresis," Akten des VIII internationalen Kongresses für Papyrologie (Wein, 1956) 59-66.

Hooff, A.J.L. van "Ancient Robbers. Reflections behind the facts," Ancient Society 19 (1988) 105-124.

Hopwood, K., "Policing the hinterland: Rough Cilicia and Isauria," in S. Mitchell (ed.), Armies and Frontiers in Roman and Byzantine Anatolia (London, 1983) 173-187.

--------------, "Bandits, elites and rural order," in A. Wallace-Hadrill (ed.), Patronage in Ancient Society (London, 1989) 171-187.

Horsley, R.A., "Josephus and the Bandits," Journal for the Study of Judaism 10 (1979) 37-63.

Horsley, R.A. & Hanson, J.S., Bandits, Prophets and Messiahs. Popular Movements in the Time of Jesus (Minneapolis, 1985).

Humbert, G., "Latrocinium," in Daremberg & Saglio, Dictionnaire des antiquités grecques et romaines III.2 (1904) 991-992.

Isaac, B., "Bandits in Judaea and Arabia," Harvard Studies in Classical Philology 88 (1984) 171-203.

Jones, C.P., "Apuleius' Metamorphoses and Lollianus' Phoinikika," Phoenix 34 (1980) 243-254.

Lewis, N., Life in Egypt under Roman Rule (Oxford, 1983), 196-207.

Mickwitz, G., "Straßenraub," RE Suppl. VII (1940) col. 1239-1244.

MacKay, P.A., "KLEPETIKA: The Tradition of the Tales of Banditry in Apuleius," Greece and Rome 10 (1963) 147-152.

MacMullen, R., Soldier and Civilian in the Later Roman Empire (Cambridge, Mass., 1963) 49-76.

--------------, Enemies of the Roman Order (Cambridge, Mass, 1967) Appendix B, pp. 255-268.

Martin, V., "Les papyrus et l'histoire administrative de l'Égypte gréco-romaine," in W. Otto and L. Wenger (eds.), Papyri und Altertumswissenschaft. Vorträge des 3. internationalen Patyrologentages (Müchen, 1934) 158-160.

Nippel, W. Public Order in Ancient Rome (Cambridge, 1995).

Oertel, F., Die Liturgie. Studien zur ptolemäischen und kaiserlichen Verwaltung Ägyptens (Leipzig, 1917) 270 lh/stopiastus.

Pekáry, T., "Seditio. Unruhen und Revolten im römischen Reich von Augustus bis Commodus," Ancient Society 18 (1987) 133-150.

Strassi Zaccharia, S. L'editto di M. Sempronius Liberalis (Trieste, 1988).

Shaw, B., "Bandits in the Roman Empire," Past & Present 105 (1984) 3-52.

------------, "The Bandit," in A. Giardina (ed.), The Romans (Chicago, 1993, transl. L.G. Cochrane).

Thomas, J.D., "A Petition to the Prefect of Egypt and Related Imperial Editcts, Journal of Egyptian Archaeology 61 (1975) 201-221.

Winkler, J., "Lollianus and the Desperadoes," Journal of Hellenic Studies 100 (1980) 155-181.

II. Modern Bandits

Blok, A. "The Peasant and the Brigand: Social Banditry Reconsidered," Comparative Studies in Society and History 14 (1972) 494-503 (Hobsbawm's reply pp. 503-505).

----------, The Mafia of a Sicilian Village (Oxford, 1974).

Brunk, S., "'The Sad Situation of Civilians and Soldiers': the banditry of Zapatismo in the Mexican Revolution, American Historical Review 101 (1996) 331-353.

Hobsbawn, E., Bandits (London, 1969).

-------------------, Primitive Rebels. Studies in Archaic Forms of Social Movement in the 19th and 20th Centuries (ed. 3, Manchester, 1971): ch. 2 "The Social Bandit," pp. 13-29.

------------------, "Social Banditry," in H.A. Landsberger (ed.), Rural Protest: Peasant Movements and Social Change (New York) 142-157.

Joseph, G.M., "On the trail of Latin American bandits: a reexamination of peasant resistance," Latin American Research Review 25 (1990) 7-18.

Lewin, L., "The Oligarchical Limitations of Social Banditry in Brazil: The Case of the 'Good' Thief, Antonio Silvino," Past & Present 82 (1979) 116-146.

O'Malley, P., "Social Bandits, Modern Capitalism and the Traditional Peasantry: a Critique of Hobsbawm," Journal of Peasant Studies 6 (1979) 489-501.

Slatta, R. (ed.) Bandidos: the Varieties of Latin American Banditry (New York, 1987).

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