edited by Steven Muhlberger
License to Thomas Clifford to perform "points of arms"
in the Scottish Marches, January 28, 1387
(Rotuli Scotorum, vol. II, p. 87)
Translation by Steven Muhlberger forthcoming . Translation copyright 2001.
Deeds of Arms Index -- Deeds of Arms Archive Index -- Historical Materials on Knighthood and Chivalry -- KCT Library
Thomae de Clifford militi datur licentia faciendi puncta armorum in Marchia ScotiaeLe Roy a touz ceux qui cestes lettres verront ou orront salutz.Sachez nous de nostre grace especial & a l'supplication de nostre tres cher & loial chivaler Thomas de Clyfford luy avons octroie & done conge que il puisse faire toutz manners pointz d'armes qui luy plerra sibien a pee come a chival en quiconque lieu en la Marche d'Escoce perentre cy & le fest de Paske prochein a venir saunz destourbance ou empeschement de nous ou de noz heirs de noz ministres queconques. En tesmoignance &c.
Don' a nostre palois de Westminster le xxviii jour de Januer'.De per le Roy.
License given to Thomas Clifford, knight, to perform "points of arms" in the Scottish Marches.The king to all those who see or hear these letters, greetings.Know that we, out of our especial grace and at the humble request of our very dear and loyal knight, Thomas Clifford, have granted him permission and given leave to him that he may perform all manner of points of arms that he wishes, either on foot or on horseback, in any place whatsoever in the Scottish March, between now and next Easter without disturbance or hindrance from us, our heirs, or any of our servants. In testimony, etc.
Given at our palace of Westminster on the 28th day of January.Given by the king.