edited by Steven Muhlberger
Translation by Steven Muhlberger. Translation copyright 2003.
Deeds of Arms Index -- Deeds of Arms Archive Index -- Historical Materials on Knighthood and Chivalry -- KCT Library
De Licentia Hastiludiandi de Guerra
A.D. 1393, An. 16. R. 2, Pat. 16. R.2. P.3 m. 17.
Sciatis quod,
Rex dilecto Consanguineo & Fideli suo, Henrico de Percy, Salutem.Ad Supplicationem, Dilecti & Fidelis nostri, Ricardi de Redemane,
Concessimus ei & aliis Tribus Sociis Licentiam quod ipsi, a Vicesimo Primo Die Junii proximo futuro, usque Vicesimum Septimum Diem ejusdem Mensii, apud Civitatem nostram Karliolensem, cum Willielmo de Haliburton, & Tribus Sociis suis Scotis, coram Vobis de Guerre Hastiludiare possint, sine occasione vel impedimento nostri, seu Ministrorum nostrorum quorumcumque;
Et ideo Vobis Mandamus quod tunc sitis ibidem, nostrum Locum tenens in hac parte, ad id, quod Vobis per Viam Locum tenentiae in huiusmodi Casu pertinet, faciendum.
In cuius, &c.
Teste Rege apud Westmonasterium xxvii die AprilisPer Breve de Privato Sigillo
License for Hastiludes of WarYou should know that at the humble request of our dear and faithful man, Richard Redemane,The King to his dear cousin and faithful man, Henry Percy, Greetings.
We have granted to him, and to three other companions of his, leave that they, between the 21st day of June next upcoming and the 27th day of that month, at our city of Carlisle, should be able in your presence to perform hastiludes of war with William Haliburton and three of his companions, Scots, without pretext (?) or impediment from us or any of our servants whatsoever.
And therefore we command you that you should be there at that time, as our lieutenant in that region, doing that which pertains to you as lieutenant in such a case.
Attested by the King at Westminster the 27th day of April.Through a brief under the Privy Seal.