edited by Steven Muhlberger
License to Northampton Herald to act in connection with
a deed between Thomas Clifford and Boucicaut, June 25, 1386.
(Foedera, vol. VII, p. 526)
Translation by Steven Muhlberger. Translation copyright 2003.
Deeds of Arms Index -- Deeds of Arms Archive Index -- Historical Materials on Knighthood and Chivalry -- KCT Library
Super Facto Armorum cum BoucicaldoLe Roi a nostre bien Amee, Northampton le Heraud, Salutz.
A.D. 1386, An. 10 R. 2, Franc. 10, R. 2 m. 26Sachez qui,
Come nostre treschere Cosyn, Thomas de Clifford Chivaler, l'Eisne Fitz Rogere Sire de Clifford, eit Chalange un Chivaler de France, appelle Sire Bursigaude, l'Eisne Fitz le Sire Bursigaude de certeinz faitz d'Armes,
Comprises en un Lettre, enseale souz le Seal nostre dit Cosyn, & envoie au dit Sire Boursigaude,
Les queux al grant instance nostre dit Cosyn, nous avons Ottroie,
Et Nous ad Supplie de vous doner Congie a pursuer mseme le Bosoigne, solonc la Guyse d'Armes, Nous,
Desirantz l'Onour de nostre dit Cosyn, en chescun part, saunz blemisure, salver,
Par Tenure de cestes vous avones Donne Congie de passer vers les parties de France, parmy noz Enemys, a pursuers le dit Besoigne en chescun part qi vous sembler le meultx, saunz empeschement de Nous, ou de noz Heirs, ou de noz Ministres queconques.En Tesmoignance de quele chose nous avons fait faire noz Lettres Patentes.
Don. souz nostre Graunt Seal a Redyng le xxv. jour de Juyn.
Par le Roi.
Concerning a deed of arms with BoucicautKnow that, as our very dear cousin, Thomas Clifford, knight, eldest son of Roger Lord Clifford, has challenged a knight of France, Lord Boucicaut, eldest son of Lord Boucicaut, to certain deeds of arms,The king to our good friend, Northampton Herald, Greetings.
Contained in a letter, sealed under the seal of our said cousin, & sent to the said Lord Boucicaut,
Which, at the great urgency of our said cousin, we have granted, and we at your humble request have given leave to pursue that business, according to the custom of arms, We,
Desiring to keep the honor of our said cousin unblemished in each and every part, by the tenor of these [letters] we have given you leave to go into the parts of France, among our enemies, to pursue the said business in every way that seems best to you, without hindrance from us, our heirs, or any of our servants.
In testimony of this we have issued our letters patent.Given under our Great Seal at Reading, the 25th cay of Juyn.
By the King.