Deeds of Arms -- From the Archives
 Documents relating to
Formal Deeds of Arms of the Fourteenth Century

edited by Steven Muhlberger

License to John Beaumont (and similarly to others), to perform deeds of arms in the March of Calais, April 24, 1388.
(Foedera, vol. VII, p. 580)

Translation by Steven Muhlberger forthcoming .  Translation copyright 2003.

Deeds of Arms Index -- Deeds of Arms Archive Index  --  Historical Materials on Knighthood and Chivalry -- KCT Library

Pro Johanne de Bello Monte, super Factis Armorum, de Licentia
A.D. 1388, An. 11 R. 2, Franc. 11, R. 2 m. 8.

Rex omnibus, ad quos &c. Salutem.

Sciatis quod Concessimus & Licentiam Dedimus, dilecto consangineo & Fideli nostro, Johanni Domino de Bello Monte,

Quod ipse verus Villam nostram Calesii transire possit, ad deliberandum, de Adversariis nostris Franciae, de diversis factis Armorum, absque impedimento nostri, vel Haeredum nostrorum, aut Minstrorum nostrorum quorumque;

Statu nostro & praedicti Johannis ac Marchiarum nostrarum Calesii semper salvo.

In cuius &c. quamdiu idem Johannes apud praedictam Villam Calesii Moram fecerit, duraturas.

Teste Rege apud Westmonasterium , vicesimo quarto de Aprilis.

Per breve de Privato Sigillo.

[Followed by similar letters for Peter Courtenay (April 24) and John Hobeldod (3 May), both at Westminster and under the Privy Seal.]

Licence to John Beaumont for Deeds of Arms

The king to all to whom [these letters come], Greetings.

Know that, we have granted and given leave to our dear cousin and faithful man, John Lord Beaumont,

That he indeed should be able to cross to our town of Calais, for resolving diverse deeds of arms with our adversaries of France, without any impediment from us, our heirs, or any of our servants,

Saving always our status, that of the aforesaid John, and that of our March of Calais.

Which should last as long as John remains in the said town of Calais

Attested by the King at Westminster the 24th of April.

Through a brief under the Privy Seal.

[Followed by similar letters for Peter Courtenay (April 24) and John Hobeldod (3 May), both at Westminster and under the Privy Seal.]