edited by Steven Muhlberger
This is certainly the deed of arms Courtenay performed with Guy de la Tremoille before King Charles VI in Paris; the document seems to fix Courtenay's fights with Tremoille and the Lord of Clary to 1383.
Translation by Steven Muhlberger. Translation copyright 2003.
Deeds of Arms Index -- Deeds of Arms Archive Index -- Historical Materials on Knighthood and Chivalry -- KCT Library
Pro Petro de Courtenay super Duello in FranciaSciatis quod licnetiam dedimus, dilecto & fideli Consanguineo nostro, Petro de Courtenay quod ipse mittere possit in Franciam,
A.D. 1383, An. 7. R. 2, Franc. 7. R. 2., m. 16.Rex universis & singulis Admirallis, &c.
Per Norhampton Haraldam & Aulet le Pursuivant,
Octo Pannos de Scarletta, de Nigro & de Russeto, ad dandum certis Magnatibus Franciae,
Duos Equos et Sex Sellas, Sex Parvos Arcus, unam Garbam Sagittarum largarum & unam Garbam parvorum Petilionum volatilium,
Pro deductu Regis Francigenae, causa Magni Honoris quem dictus Rex fecit eidem Petro, quando in partibus Franciae extitit, pro Duello quod inter ipsum & quendam Militem Franciae fuit Vadiatum.
Ac etium Leporarios & alios Canes;
Norhampton & Aulet, cum Pannis, Equis, Sellis, Arcubus, Sagittis, Petilionibus, Leporariis, & Canis praedictis, in quibuscumque Portubus Regni Anglie sibi placuerit, absque Custuma seu Subsidio, inde ad nostrum capiendis, libere & absque Impedimento aliquo transire permittatis; aliquo Mandato nostro, vobis in contrarium directo, non obstante.
In cuius &.Teste Rege apud Westmonasterium, vicesimo tertio die Novembris.
Per Breve de Privato Sigillo.
You should know that we have given leave to our dear and faithful cousin, Peter Courtenay, that he may send to France,
For Peter Courtenay concerning a Duel in FranceThe King to all and singular Admirals, etc., Greetings.
Through Northampton Herald and Aulet the pursuivant,
Eight cloths of scarlet, black and russet, to give to certain magnates of France,
Two horses and six saddles, six small bows, one sheaf of large arrows, and one sheaf of small flying quarrels (?), for the pleasure of the King of the French,
On account of the great honor which the said king did to the same Peter, when he was in French parts, going there for a duel between himself and a certain knight of France.
And also greyhounds and other dogs.
You shall permit Norhampton and Aulet to cross with the cloths, horses, saddles, bows, arrows, quarrels (?), greyhounds and dogs aforesaid, to whatever ports of the realm of England that they wish, freely and without any hindrance, and without the taking of any customs or subsidy owed us from these; notwithstanding any order of ours to you to the contrary.
Attested by the King at Westminster the twenty-third day of NovemberThrough a Brief under the Privy Seal.