Deeds of Arms -- From the Archives
 Documents relating to
Formal Deeds of Arms of the Fourteenth Century

edited by Steven Muhlberger

Safe conduct for David Lindsay so that he might fight a duel with John Wells, January 22, 1390
(Rotuli Scotiae, vol. II, p. 103).

Translation by Steven Muhlberger.  Translation copyright 2003.

Deeds of Arms Index -- Deeds of Arms Archive Index  --  Historical Materials on Knighthood and Chivalry -- KCT Library

Salvus conductus pro Davide de Lyndesey milite, duello cum Johanne de Welles certaturo
Membr. 3, Westm., 22 Jan.
Rex universis & singulis vicecomitibus majoribus ballivis ministris & fidelibus nostris infra libertates & extra ad quos &c. salutem.
Sciatis quod cum dilectus & fidelis noster Johannes de Welles ad proficiendam quedam facta armorum infra regnum nostrum Angliae cum David de Lyndeseye de Scotia milite per eundem David calumpniatus existat et nobis est supplicatum per securitate ipsius David ac hominum & servientum suorum veniendo in regnum nostrum praedictum ex causa praedicta & ibidem morando & exinde ad propria redeundo gratiose providere.  Nos huius supplicationi ad instantem requisitionem quorumdam ligeorum nostrorum nobis assistentium hac vice inclinati suscepimus ipsum David cum viginti & novem homnibus de societate & retinentia sua absque armatura ipso David in eodem numero & duobus militibus ceteris inde armigeris vallettis & garcionibus computatis & cum triginta equis in regnum nostrum praedictum ad perficienda praedicta facta armorum cum eodem Johanne sexto die Maii proxima futuro veniendo ibidem ea de causa morando & exinde ad partes proprias redeundo dum tamen aliquis proditor nobis aut regno nostro aut bannitus ab eodem sub colore & tuitione praesentium regnum nostrum praedictum in comitiva ipsius David non ingrediatur seu moretur in salvum & securum conductum nostrum.  Volumus etiam quod idem David armaturam sufficientem secum trussatam per se ipso tantum ad perficienda facta praedicta secum deferre ducere & habere valeat absque impetitione aliqua.  Et ideo vobis & cuilibet vestrum mandamus quod ipsum David cum hominibus armatura & equis suis praedictis ac aliis hernesiis suis veniendo in regnum nostrum praedictum in forma & ex causa praedictis ibidem ut praedictum est morando & ad propria redeundo manuteneatis protegatis & defendatis non inferentes eis vel eorum alicui dampnatum & prout in similibus.

In cuius &c. a primo die Aprili proxima futuro per duos menses immediate sequentes eodem primo die computato duraturas.

Teste Rege apud Westmonasterium xxij die Januarii.

Per billem de privato sigillo.

Safe-conduct for David Lyndsay, knight, for fighting a duel with John Welles.

The king to all and singular sheriffs, mayors, bailiffs, officers and our faithful men, inside and outside liberties, to whom [these letters come], Greetings.

You should know that since our dear and faithful man John Welles has been falsely accused by David Lindsay, a Scottish knight, to perform certain deeds of arms within our realm of England, we have been humbly requested to provide graciously for the safety of that David and his men and servants who for the aforesaid cause will be coming into our aforesaid realm  & remaining there and after that returning to their own land.

We, being inclined to the urgent request of certain of our lieges standing with us on this account, have received David into our aforesaid realm with a safe and secure conduct, with twenty-nine men of his company and retinue without armor, with the same David included in that number, with two knights, the rest being squires, valets, and servants, and with thirty horses, to perform the aforesaid deeds of arms with the same John to come there on the sixth of May next upcoming and remaining for that purpose and then returning to their own region, provided nevertheless that no traitor to us or our realm or anyone banished from it should enter or remain in our aforesaid realm in the company of David under the color and protection of these present letters.  We wish also that the same David should be able to bring, take and have with him armor, packed, sufficient for himself to perform the aforesaid deeds, without any opposition.  And thus we command you and any of your people that you should maintain, protect and defend the said David with his men, armor and his aforesaid horses and all his harness, coming into our said realm in the manner and for the purpose aforesaid, then as has been said before to remain and to return home, doing no harm to them or theirs, and so forth.

Etc., to last from the first of April next upcoming for the two months immediately following counting that first day.

Attested by the King at Westminster the 22nd day of January.

Through a bill under the Privy Seal.