edited by Steven Muhlberger
Translation by Steven Muhlberger. Translation copyright 2003.
Deeds of Arms Index -- Deeds of Arms Archive Index -- Historical Materials on Knighthood and Chivalry -- KCT Library
De Factis ArmorumSciatis quod, Licentiam Dedimus, Dilecto & Fideli nostro, Radulpho Domino de Neville, quod ipse deliberare possit quendam Alexandrum de Lindeseye, de Scotia, de certis Factis Armorum de quibus idem Alexander praefatum Radulphum calumpniavit, ut dicitur.
A.D. 1391, An. 14. R. 2, Scot. 14. R.2. m. 2.
Rex omnibus ad quos &c. Salutem.
Ac etiam, Dilectis & Fidelibus nostris, Thomae Colvylle & Johanni Etton, Militibus, Willielmo Salveyn, Willielmo Louther, Henrico Van Croypole & Simone Ward, quod ipsi certa alia Facta Armorum, cum certis Personis de Scotia, facere possint & adimplere,
Licentiam, Tenore Praesentium, Dedimus specialem, absque Impetitione Nostri, vel Heredum nostrorum, seu Ministrorum nostrorum, seu Ministrorum nostrorum quorumcumque;
Statu nostro & ipsius Radulphi, ac praedictorum Thomae, Johannis, Willielmi, Henrici, Simonis, in omnibus semper salvo.
In cuius, &c.
Teste Rege apud Westmonasterium, vicesimo die Junii.Per Breve de Privato Sigillo
Concerning Deeds of ArmsYou should know that we have given leave to our dear and faithful man, Ralph Lord Neville, that he should be able to resolve [meet?] a certain Alexander Lindsay, from Scotland, concerning certain deeds of arms with which the same Alexander falsely accused the aforesaid Ralph, as is reported.The King to all whom [these letters come], Greetings.
And also to our dear and faithful men, Thomas Colville and John Etton, knights, William Salveyn, William Lowther, Henry van Croypole, and Simon Ward, that they should be able to do and fulfill certain other deeds of arms, with certain persons from Scotland,
We give special leave by the tenor of these present letters, to do so without our hindrance or that of our heirs or servants, whoever they may be,
Always saving in all things our status and that of Ralph himself, and of the aforesaid Thomas, John, William, Henry, Simon.
Attested by the king at Westminster the 20th day of June.Through a brief under the Privy Seal.
De Judice, quoad Facta Armorum supradicta, assignato
A.D. 1391, An. 14. R.2., Ibid.Rex, Dilecto & Fideli Suo, Johanni Domino de Roos, Salutem.
Cum Licentiam dederimus Dilecto & Fideli nostro, Radulpho Domino de Neville, quod ipse deliberare possit quendam Alexandrum de Lindeseye, de Scotia, de certis Factis Armorum de quibus idem Alexander praefatum Radulphum calumpniavit, ut dicitur.
Ac etiam, Dilectis & Fidelibus nostris, Thomae Colvylle & Johanni Etton, Militibus, Willielmo Salveyn, Willielmo Louther, Henrico Van Croypole & Simone Ward, quod ipsi certa alia Facta Armorum, cum certis Personis de Scotia, facere possint & adimplere,
Licentiam dederimus specialem, absque Impetitione Nostri, vel Heredum nostrorum, seu Ministrorum nostrorum, seu Ministrorum nostrorum quorumcumque, prout in Literis nostris Patentibus, inde confectis, plenius continentur,
Nos (de Fidelitate & provida circumspectione vestris plenius confidentes) Assignavimus vos ad Campum Tenendum & Judicem Effendum, inter Partes praedictas, quoad Facta Armorum supradicta;
Et ideo vobis Mandamus quod circa Praemissa diligenter intendatis, & ea faciatis & exequamini in Forma praedicta; Damus autem Universis & Singulis Constabulariis, Custodibus Castrorum & Fortalitiorum, ac eorum Locatententibus, necnon Vicecomitibus, Majoribus, Ballivis, Ministris, & aliis Fidelibus & Subditis nostris, Tenore Presentium, firmiter in Mandatis, quod Vobis, in Praemissis faciendis & exequendis, pareant & intendant, prout decet.
In cuius &c.
Teste Rege apud Westmonasterium Vicesimo Die Junii.Per Breve de Privato Sigillo.
The Appointment of a Judge with respect to the above-mentioned Deeds of ArmsSince we will have given leave to our dear and faithful man, Ralph Lord Neville, that he should be able to resolve [meet?] a certain Alexander Lindsay, from Scotland, concerning certain deeds of arms with which the same Alexander falsely accused the aforesaid Ralph, as is reported.The King to his dear and faithful man, John Lord Roos, Greetings.
And also to our dear and faithful men, Thomas Colville and John Etton, knights, William Salveyn, William Lowther, Henry van Croypole, and Simon Ward, that they should be able to do and fulfill certain other deeds of arms, with certain persons from Scotland,
We give special leave by the tenor of these present letters, to do so without our hindrance or that of our heirs or servants, whoever they may be, just as is fully contained in our letters patent made for that purpose,
We (fully confident in in your fidelity and prudent circumspection) have assigned you to hold the field and act as judge between the aforesaid parties, in respect to the abovesaid deeds of arms.
And therefore we command that, concerning the above, you exert yourself, and accomplish this thing, and execute it in the aforesaid manner;
We give, however, firm instructions to all and singular constables, custodians of castles and fortalices, and their lieutenants, and also to sheriffs, mayors, baliffs, officers and all of our faithful men and subjects, by the tenor of these present letters, that in the accomplishing and execution of the abovesaid, that they should comply with you and exert themselves, just as is proper.
Attested by the King at Westminster the 20th day of June.Through a brief under the Privy Seal.