edited by Steven Muhlberger
Translation by Steven Muhlberger. Translation copyright 2003.
Deeds of Arms Index -- Deeds of Arms Archive Index -- Historical Materials on Knighthood and Chivalry -- KCT Library
[Title omitted in my notes]Cum sit ita quod quidam Milites Franciae, in Marchiis prope Calesium, proclamari fecerint quod ipse quaedam Facta Armorum, cum universis & singulis, dicto Regno Franciae extraneis, in dictis partibus Calesii perficient, prout in Literis ipsorum Militum, inde confectis, & ibidem proclamatis, plenius continentur,
A.D. 1390, An. 13. R. 2, Franc.?, m. 2.
Rex, carissimo Consangineo suo, Thomae Comiti Marescallo & Notynghamiae, Salutem.
Et vos, ad eadem Facta, juxta formam earumdem Literarum, in dictis Partibus perficienda, ad dictis Partes estis profecti, ut accepimus,
Vobis in Fide et Ligeantia, quibus nobis tenemini, & sub Forisfactura omnium quae nobis forisfacere poteritis, Injungimus & Mandamus ne aliqua alia Facta Armorum, praeterquam in dictis Literis continentur, de novo Exigenda sue Proclamanda, cum eisdem Milito, vel aliquo eorum, seu aliquo alio, in dictis partibus facienda, sine speciali Licentia, dilecti & fidelis nostri, Henrici de Percy Comitis Norhumbriae, Capitanei Villae nostrae Calesii, & Locum tenentis nostri in Partibus praedictis, Sigillo suo consignata, faciatis ne fieri demandetis, seu, pro huiusmodi Factis Armorum perficiendis, mittatis per Literas vel alio modo sub Forisfactura antedicta.
Teste Rege apud Westmonasterium, decimo tertio diei Martii.Per ipsum Regem.
The King to his dearest cousin, Thomas Earl Marshal and Earl of Nottingham, Greetings.Since certain knights of France have had it proclaimed in the Marches near Calais that they will perform certain deed of arms with all and singular from outside the realm of France in the said neighborhood of Calais, just as is fully contained in the letters of these knights, there prepared and proclaimed in the same place,And you, as we have heard, are going to those regions to perform those deeds according to the plan in those same letters,
We enjoin and command you, by the faith and allegiance you bear us, and under penalty of forfeiture of all which you can forfeit to us, that you shall not perform nor demand to be performed any other deeds of arms, outside of those contained in those letters, newly required or proclaimed, with the same knight, or any of them, or any other, to be done in the said region, without special license of our dear and faithful Henry Percy, Earl of Northumberland, Captain of our town of Calais, and our Lieutenant in the aforesaid parts, sealed with his seal, nor should you send, by letters or in any other way, for deeds of arms to be performed, under penalty of the aforesaid forfeiture.
Attested by the King at Westminster, the thirteenth day of March.By the King himself.
Consimilia Brevia Patentia dirigentur, sub eadem Data, videlicit:Carissimo Fratri Regis Johanni de Holland, Comiti Huntingdoniae.
Thomae de Clifford, Militi.
Johanni de Beaumond, Militi.
Dilecto Consangineo & Fideli Regis, Petro de Courtenay.Rex universis & singulis Ligeis, Subditis, & Fidelibus nostris, in Partibus & Marcheis Calesii commorantibus, & residentibus in eisdem & ibidem accedentibus, Salutem.
Cum sit ita quod quidam Milites Franciae, in Marchiis prope Calesium, proclamari fecerint quod ipse quaedam Facta Armorum, cum universis & singulis, dicto Regno Franciae extraneis, in dictis partibus Calesii perficient, prout in Literis ipsorum Militum, inde confectis, & ibidem proclamatis, plenius continentur,Ad quidem vestrum, ad eadem Facta, juxta formam earumdem Literarum, in dictis Partibus perficienda, ad dictas Partes estis profecti, ut accepimus,
Vobis in Fide et Ligeantia, quibus nobis tenemini, & sub Forisfactura omnium quae nobis forisfacere poteritis, Injungimus & Mandamus ne aliqua alia Facta Armorum, praeterquam in dictis Literis continentur, de novo Exigenda sue Proclamanda, cum eisdem Milito, vel aliquo eorum, seu aliquo alio, in dictis partibus facienda, sine speciali Licentia, dilecti & fidelis nostri, Henrici de Percy Comitis Norhumbriae, Capitanei Villae nostrae Calesii, & Locum tenentis nostri in Partibus praedictis, Sigillo suo consignata, faciatis ne fieri demandetis, seu, pro huiusmodi Factis Armorum perficiendis, mittatis per Literas vel alio modo sub Forisfactura antedicta.
Teste ut supraPer ipsum Regem.
Similar Briefs were sent on the same date, namely to:To the dearest brother of the King, John Holland, Earl of Huntingdon.
To Thomas Clifford, Knight.
To John Beaumont, Knight.
To the dear cousin and faithful man of the King, Peter Courtenay.[And:]
The King to all and singular of our lieges, subjects, and faithful men sojourning and residing in the neighborhood and Marches of Calais and approaching them, Greetings.
Since certain knights of France have had it proclaimed in the Marches near Calais that they will perform certain deed of arms with all and singular from outside the realm of France in the said neighborhood of Calais, just as is fully contained in the letters of these knights, there prepared and proclaimed in the same place,And as we have heard you are going to those regions to perform those deeds according to the plan in those same letters, in the said regions,
We enjoin and command you, by the faith and allegiance you bear us, and under penalty of forfeiture of all which you can forfeit to us, that you shall not perform nor demand to be performed any other deeds of arms, outside of those contained in those letters, newly required or proclaimed, with the same knight, or any of them, or any other, to be done in the said region, without special license of our dear and faithful Henry Percy, Earl of Northumberland, Captain of our town of Calais, and our Lieutenant in the aforesaid parts, sealed with his seal, nor should you send, by letters or in any other way, for deeds of arms to be performed, under penalty of the aforesaid forfeiture.
Attested as above.By the King himself.