edited by Steven Muhlberger
Translation by Steven Muhlberger. Translation copyright 2003.
Deeds of Arms Index -- Deeds of Arms Archive Index -- Historical Materials on Knighthood and Chivalry -- KCT Library
[Title omitted in my notes]Sciatis quod licentiam dedimus, dilecto & fideli Militi nostro, Richardo Tempest, ac uni Scutiferorum suorum, quod ipsi certa Facta Armorum, unde ipsi per unum Militem Scotiae, & unum Scutiferorum suorum calumpniati existunt, facere possint absque impedimento nostri...
A.D. 1387, An. 10. R. 2, Scot. 10 R. 2., m. 4.[Greetings omitted in my notes]
Teste Rege apud Westmonasterium sexto die JuniiPer breve de Privato Sigillo
You should know that we have given leave to our dear and faithful knight, Richard Tempest, and one of his squires that they should be able, without any hindrance from us, to perform certain deeds of arms, since they are falsely accused by a Scottish knight and one of his squires...
Attested by the King at Westminster the sixth day of June.Through a brief under the Privy Seal
A.D. 1387, An. 10. R. 2, Scot. 10 R. 2., m. 4.Et mandatum est, Dilecto & Fideli Regis Johanni de Nevill de Raby, Custodi Marchiarum Regis versus partes Scotiae, in partibus de la Estmarche, quod eidem Militi Scotiae Literas, de salvo & securo Conductu, quod ipse usque Villam Regis Berewici super Twedam, vel alibi in Marchi predicta, cum Hominibus, tam Peditibus, quam Equitibus, usque ad Numerum Sexaginta Personarum, in Comitiva sua, ex causa praedicta, venire possit, concedat.Teste Rege apud Westmonasterium decimo die Junii.Per Breve de Privato Sigillo.
And it is commanded to the King's dear and faithful man, John Neville of Raby, Custodian of the King's Marches towards Scotland, in the East Marches, that he should grant to that knight of Scotland letters, of safe and secure conduct, so that he should be able to come to the royal town of Berwick-on-Tweed, or elsewhere in the said March, with men in his retinue, either footmen or on horse, up to the number of sixty persons, for the aforesaid purpose.
Attested by the King at Westminster the tenth day of June.Through a Brief under the Privy Seal.