edited by Steven Muhlberger
Translation by Steven Muhlberger. Translation copyright 2003.
Deeds of Arms Index -- Deeds of Arms Archive Index -- Historical Materials on Knighthood and Chivalry -- KCT Library
Super punctis Armorum, de NobilitationeSachez que,
A.D. 1389
Le Roi a touz ceux, as queus cestes Lettres vendrount, Salutz.
Come un Chivaler Fraunceys, a ceo que Nous sumus enfourmez, ad Chalange, un nostre Liege, Johan de Kyngeston, a fair certeins Faitz & Pointz d'Armes ovesque le dit Chivaler,
A fyn que le dit nostre Liege soit le meulz honurablement resceuz & faire puisse & parfournir, les diz Faitz & Pointz d'Armes.
Luy avons Rescuex en Vestat de Genit Homme, & luy fait Esquier & volons qu'il soit conuz par Armes & Porte desore en avant (c'estassavoir) d'Argent, ou une Chapewe d'azure, ovesque un Plume d'Ostrich, de Geules;
Et ceo a tous yceux, as queux y appartient, Nous notifions par y cestes.
En Tesmoignance de quele chose Nous avons fait faire cests noz Lettres Patentes.
Don souz nostre Grand Seal, a nostre Paleys de Westm. le premier jour de JuynPar Brief du Prive Seal.
Concerning Nobility and Points of ArmsThe King to all those, to whom these letters will come, Greetings.
Know that,
As a French knight, as we have been informed, has challenged one of our lieges, John Kingston, to do certain deeds and points of arms with the said knight,
To the end that our said liege should be more honorably received and be able to do and perform the said deeds and points of arms,
We have received him in the estate of gentleman and make esquire and wish that he should be known by the arms and henceforth carry these, namely, Argent, with a hat (helmet?) azure with an ostrich plume gules.
And this we notify by these letters to all those whom these things concern.
In testimony of this we have had these, our letters patent, made.
Given under our Great Seal, at our palace of Westminster the first day of June.By a brief under the Privy Seal.